Make Your Dream Come True to Everything You Want, AI.

Our Technology
비즈니스에 가능성을 
            더하는 AI Human

Data Warehouse

In Detail
비즈니스에 가능성을 
              더하는 AI Human

Synthetic Data Solutions for Future AI

In Detail
비즈니스에 가능성을 
              더하는 AI Human

AI Human Adds Potential to Your Business

In Detail

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Our Use Cases

The Changes that Data Synthesis Solutions


Generate rare lesion data that is typically difficult to obtain and detect with precision.

Generate medical Synthetic Data is free from issues using personal sensitive information. Synthetic Data improves the accuracy of AI dianostics by solving the lack of learning data.


AI Human

Deliver value through AI Human and innovates communication in the untact era.

Create a virtaul human that is indistinguishable from a real human using advanced video/voice synthesis technology.

AI Human

Autonomous Driving

Increase the safety of Autonomus Driving with more realistic learing data.

When driving/parking, various situations that are difficult to collect in daily life are made into learning data.

Autonomous Driving
Our Partners

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  • 국립암센터
  • 삼성서울병원
  • 서울대학교
  • 단국대학교
  • 계명대학교 동신병원
  • 카톨릭종양의료원
  • ETRI
  • 인제대학교 서울백병원
  • 인하대병원
  • EZER
  • epibiotech
  • 삼표
  • 키움
  • 삼성SDS
  • 농협
  • ktcs
  • amcg
  • Chemon

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